Jurassic Lake Bow Adventure
February 14 to 21, 2026
Strobel Lake
A.K.A JURASSIC LAKE After several seasons of hard work, we can now take you along more than 25 km of the pristine waters of Strobel Lake. The scenery is breathtaking and the fishing, out of this world! Wind can become a factor, so protected locations are crucial. You will be able to access many bays and protected spots such as Monsters Bay, Camelot Bay, Finger Bay, Moro Bay, Tasmania Bay, Sea Bay, Puesto Bay, The Aquarium and Dry Fly Bay, among the most famous spots. Fishing these sheltered waters ensures you enjoy outstanding sight fishing action even in the hardest of conditions. BARRANCOSO RIVER“ Barrancoso river is, without a doubt, the best trophy rainbow trout river in the world. And by far, the best part of this river runs through Estancia Laguna Verde property… which means that ELV lodge offers the best trophy rainbow trout river fishing in the world.” MARCELO MORALES, ANGLING LEGEND OF ARGENTINA, AFTER ONE OF HIS ANNUAL HOSTED TRIP, DOING IT SINCE 2010.In order to understand the advantages of fishing at Estancia Laguna Verde, it is essential to understand the geography of the area, and the Barrancoso river in particular, so as not to be deceived by misleading publicity by a few specific outfitters with a short term mentality. With a total length of about 50 km, it is important to note that only the last stretch holds consistently big fish, especially in the prime months. This last stretch of the last 10 km of this astonishing river, are the ones that go through Estancia Laguna Verde (both banks!), with our property ending a short distance from the last 3 / 4 pools of the river before it drains into Strobel lake. Without a doubt, one of the highlight programs at our Estancia is Barrancoso River which is the one and an only tributary of Strobel Lake. As mentioned before, this beautiful freestone river runs for more than 10 km through our Estancia in the single best part of it!!!! There are no other parts of the river like this one, and there are no other trophy waters like ELV waters. |