Labrador Giant Brook Trout and Monster Pike Excursion
July 11 to 18, 2027. (This trip will fill fast be sure to contact me asap to ensure your spot)
Three Rivers Lodge (TRL) is a wilderness fly fishing camp located in the Labrador bush some 150 miles north-northeast of Labrador City and Wabush, twin mining towns in the southwest corner of Labrador. We offer fly anglers exclusive access to the remote, nutrient-rich streams, rapids and lakes of the Woods River system. Our main camps are on Crossroads Lake, a broad reach of the Woods river where we land the float planes. We also have a full amenity outpost camp down river at the 5th Rapids where guests spend a night or two while they fish the productive middle section of the river.
The Source: The Woods River system is a remarkable wilderness resource. It’s vast, over 100 miles long from its source - a myriad of headwater creeks flowing into the three feeder streams, then on into the main river with more than a dozen brawling rapids - to its destiny, the Smallwood Reservoir. It’s wild, patrolled by bald eagles and ospreys, perfect habitat for mink and otter, sustenance for caribou and black bear, and fertile home to big cold-water fish. Every day you'll share this land with only your guide, your fishing buddy, and a magical boreal landscape. It’s alive, with mayflies, caddis, stoneflies, and the various life stages thereof; dace, darters, sculpins and minnows, fertile hunting waters for the predators: brook trout, northern pike, and lake trout. The FishBrook Trout here dwell primarily in moving waters and are strong, classically-proportioned river fish, beautifully colored in June, neon bright by August. True trophies, they average 3 - 4 pounds and run up to at least 10 pounds. A day on the water that yields three or four trophy brookies to net is a really good day here. There will be slower days, there’ll be better days, There’ll be fish hooked and lost. These brook trout are true trophies, native and strong, a most formidable quarry - fast learners, tempermental, and ever mobile. Great challenge, but oh so memorable. Northern Pike inhabit the flat waters - lakes, ponds and broads of the rivers. The absolute top of the food chain, pike average 8 to 10 pounds and we’ve landed 25 pounders over four feet in length. Great sport on a fly rod and eager to play all season long. Lake Trout dwell in the dark holes of the lakes in summer. By mid-August, they are found cruising the shallow shoals and coves. Lakers have an exceptionally long life span and get just as big as they want! Most available in the in the first week and again during the last half of August. Price: $7,800 USD Plus 15% HST tax/angler = $8,970 pp
What's Included: A FISHING week includes six fishing days and seven nights in our main camp fishing the feeder streams and rapids of Eagle River, Rick's Run, and Victoria River upstream and the main Woods River downstream through 12th rapids. Transfers to these locations are via 17’ Lund boats or 16’ to 23’ motorized freighter canoes. Transfers to and from our Fifth Rapids Camp and other remote locations are by floatplane when weather conditions permit. The fishing package includes two fly-outs on our river system for each angler. Accommodations in main camp are in our private guest cabins with double occupancy and a full, private bathroom for each two guests. A week at TRL includes flights from Schefferville, QC (-or- from Wabush, Newfoundland and Labrador) into camp and return, accommodations with full amenities in private, double-occupancy cabins, all meals including shore lunches to order, fishing licenses, guides for each day’s fishing, and two fly-outs per rod on our river system. You trip does not include travel from your home to Schefferville, QC and return, hotels en route and in town, alcoholic beverages, flight and trip insurances, gratuities, and fly-outs to other Labrador locations off of our river system. Read to book? |